This page reflects Boey's personal dedication to capturing his observations, resonances, emotions and values that design can not say directly.
For Boey, design transcends mere functionality; it serves as a tangible means of storytelling, akin to the art of comics. His creative endeavours draw significant inspiration from his idols, including the Italian designer Enzo Mari and the American cartoonist Richard McGuire. Boey's approach to storytelling through design knows no bounds, embracing a diverse array of graphics and materials to construct narratives that resonate deeply.
Haptic Design & Sensory Wellbeing Innovation
Studio Boey specializes in designing products and experiences that engage the sense of touch and extend beyond conventional perceptions. With a keen focus on empathy for evolving social issues, we utilize cognitive insights to identify opportunities for human-centred solutions inventively. Grounded in a deep understanding of human nature, our instinctive design innovation unpacks the normality of personal well-being, translating it into fresh experiences, products, and education.