Design Beyond Vision is a cooperation between two designers: the blind Simon Dogger and the abled body Boey Wang. The project challenges the current dominant visual approach of the design field, which is not only inaccessible for people with an impairment, but it is also restrictive for all since touch, smell, taste and sound raises the quality of a product. As designers they feel the need to develop a design method that fits to current circumstances and shifts the design field from exclusive to inclusive. 

The Collaboration of Simon Dogger


Non-Visual Design

Haptic Design  elaborates on our under-estimated senses, especially touch: haptic design is an innovative perspective to create a new sense of aesthetics and user experience in order to challenge visually dominated design practices. The method is also a solution that encourages a more independent life for visually impaired users, as well as a common ground for understanding the diverse ways of living, avoiding discrimination from the ‘common visual standards’.


Supported by


Haptic Design & Sensory Wellbeing 

Studio Boey specializes in designing products and experiences that engage the sense of touch and extend beyond conventional perceptions. With a keen focus on empathy for evolving social issues, we utilize cognitive insights to identify opportunities for human-centred solutions inventively. Grounded in a deep understanding of human nature, our instinctive design innovation unpacks the normality of personal well-being, translating it into fresh experiences, products, and education.