A portable and self-casting soap system

Soap Tool is a bar of soap with a wooden handle and cap which allows users to refill and re-mould the soup when it is used up. 

It is a solution to the slipperiness of soap and the inconvenience of carrying it around. The aesthetic and behavioral research behind the Soap Tool goes deep into hand interactions with soap and how it can be integrated into the habit of using tools in our daily lives.


Haptic Design & Sensory Wellbeing Innovation

Studio Boey specializes in designing products and experiences that engage the sense of touch and extend beyond conventional perceptions. With a keen focus on empathy for evolving social issues, we utilize cognitive insights to identify opportunities for human-centred solutions inventively. Grounded in a deep understanding of human nature, our instinctive design innovation unpacks the normality of personal well-being, translating it into fresh experiences, products, and education.